Our 4H group, Nature Coast Investigators, went on a hike in the Northeast part of the county on the ECO-Walk Trail. 

Before we took off for hike, the boys made their own backpacks out of old blue jeans! We then packed it full of the appropriate hiking essentials!
The kids had a great time. We kept our eye out for what critters we might find. We know that turkey, deer, snakes, hawks or even gators could be around. We were'nt lucky enough to see any of those but we did see hundreds of butterflies, a few caterpillars and very hungry mosquitos!

When we got to the very mushy marshy areas, the mosquitos were out in full force!

We had a nice surprise when we bumped into a couple of park biologists who were checking on things. They showed us several kinds of fish that feed on mosquito larvae.

We had a nice surprise when we bumped into a couple of park biologists who were checking on things. They showed us several kinds of fish that feed on mosquito larvae.
Ethan pointed out this tree with excitement. It reminded us of the story we just finished called "My Side of the Mountain". An adventurous boy lives by himself in a hollowed out tree in the Catskills. Great book!
This is our great bunch of guys!
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