And waiting
impatiently, I might add. I'm anticipating the arrival of a new book called
Signs of Life by David Jeremiah. I have been catching
David Jeremiah from
"Turning Point" on the radio lately. I've always enjoyed hearing him, but lately I've been drawn in so much more by what he's been sharing. I think I've been coming in very late into his messages but he's been working through a series called Signs of Life. I have been moved to tears as I drive down the road as he causes me to think about what true life really is and where it can be found.
"...dusty shoes, rolled up sleeves and worn out knees..." Am I seeking out people to love and to serve? Am I showing the love of Christ in my life? Will people know that I am His by the way I love others? I wish I could answer that with a resounding "YES!" But sometimes I wonder...
I've already read some excerpts here:
Signs of Life ExcerptsI can't wait to dig in.
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