I love you, babe!

I love you, babe!
Whitney over at Good Morning Girls described my week incredibly well. How did she know?
(From Whitney):
But she gently reminded me that I am not who I once was.
Ephesians 4:22-24
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;
Tobe made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new slef, created to be like God in true righteousness and hominess.”
No matter what kind of garbage I may be dealing with…sickness, brokenness, pain, jobs left incomplete, plans cancelled, cranky kids…I know that I do not need to respond as my “old self” would respond. (like that big ugly list above)
My “new self” desires to be more like Christ,
To see Him
To hear Him
To obey Him
To Love Him
But Oh, how I run…back to my
Hearing only myself
Doing things my own way
God has promised to make me more like His Son.
2 Cor. 3: 18
“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
So, I repent and believe…again.
My justification before God is forever right…this does not change. But I need to be constantly aware that my old nature desires to NOT believe the Gospel and to follow my old ways. MY ways.
He never tires of my repentance….and this is sanctification.
He promises me that the ugly list above will be turned to the beauty below:
(also from Whitney):
This morning greets me with a scheduled visit to the dentist to finish up a root canal that they began last week. At the moment I have a blue molar; I'm not sure why. Last week's episode was just as terrifying as I had expected, but Doc tells me that today won't be as bad.
The sun just keeps coming up. He gives me the grace and strength to face the day. My soul can indeed say, "It is well."
Pressing on,
Thankful hearts have been around much longer than Blogs and pens-
He is our All Knowing God.
But my heart at the moment is feeling a bit “queasy”. As I write this, my son is in the "other room" tossin' his cookies. I have a feeling our cookies are next. One down...four to go.
I won't hold this against my precious granddaughter whose been tossin' all week, poor thing!
What do I add to my list today?
Today we are to list 3 Gifts Found:
Sometimes it’s not so clear to see, but I think I’ve found it.
1. Thank you, Lord, that You have found the monster making war with my son’s insides and YOU are getting it out!
There's always something warring with our insides, isn't there?
2. How amazing you are that You have found a way to still allow us to love and care for each other when we get sick because we "seem" to get sick one at a time!
There’s always someone there to rub the back and say,
“It will go away soon.”
3. So eternally thankful that You have found me. I was lost, but You came to seek and save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
In the very real spiritual world, Satan is that monster. He has indeed declared war against God and His children and he doesn’t back down easily. Oh sure, sometimes he “upsets” the balance, but he cannot win.
The victory has already been won and it is Christ’s. (1 Cor. 15:57)
May we trust in God’s absolute and unfailing love. He is control of all things and may we hear Him and trust Him when He rubs our backs and says,
“It will go away soon.”
Linking Up at: A Holy Experience The Better Mom Write It, Girl