Well, it was a great morning Saturday at Lecanto Middle School where County Events was held. Daniel did a great job and he won 1st place and moves on to Districts! He earned 1st place out of 14 speakers so it was tough competition! We're so proud of him. It's amazing to see what he's capable of when they say "Action". Must get it from his dad!
I've scanned his score sheet from one of the two judges. The two scores were 99 and 98. (scanned the higher score, of course!)

Just one disappointment, though. Daniel had to leave for a soccer game and couldn't stay for the awards ceremony, so I don't have any pictures of that. I'm trying to upload some video that I took during his presentaion but it's not working!
Here's a shot of Daniel's very cool display board.
Have you visited Daniel's Car Blog lately? Daniel's Car Blog He works on his blog nearly every day but it looks like his last post was in July, that's because he keeps editing the same post! But that's how he wants to do it I guess! Gotta be diffferent!
Congratulations, Daniel!