Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A visit to Grandma's

Of course, it's not a full scale Gandee invasion without Rusty.

Lorelei and Mommy.
Lorelei LOVES the blocks that Grandma made!

...and they're tasty, too!

Grandma Donna and Lorelei.

Thank you, Grandma for all the love!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Library, home away from home

We're just two weeks away from the 2010-11 school year! Yippee! Am I ready? Not quite. But what I lack in readiness I make up for in eagerness! I love summer just as much as the next gal, but I also love a schedule, busy kids and the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day! I've had my fill of late nights, sleeping in and lazy kids!

Here are a few things I've decided regarding the next year. Daniel will take Spanish 1 on Florida Virtual School.  We need the deadline for Spanish, otherwise it gets thrown by the wayside. We'll use Catie Frates online for Biology, but do all the fun dissecting stuff here at home. I love what I see with Video Text Interactive for Algebra. We've used Math-U-See mostly and it's worked out just fine up to this point but Video Text is awesome for Algebra. It's very visual.

The newest and most challenging decision will be Tapestry of Grace. This is a curriculum that combines history, literature and writing. It's heavy reading in regards to Church history and worldview as well. All the boys will be studying the same time period in history, but their reading and writing assignments will be geared toward their own level.

If you need me, I'll be at the library...til May.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Glory of God-David Platt

The Glory of God-Part One of Four....well worth the time.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cool blogger stuff

I'm having so much fun searching out all the blogging tips that are available. I can't believe I'm still up at this hour(12:41 am) That's ridiculous for me and I'll regret it in the mornig. My husband says I'm a little obsessed with it all and he's probably right. I'll get over it.

I'm not really sure why I spend time here. I really don't think there's a whole lot of people out there interested in what I have to say. In fact, I really don't have much to say at all! I keep to myself and my family most of the time and I enjoy the quiet when I can get it. I think I enjoy this blogging thing the way I used to like scrapbooking. It felt good to create something. I don't consider myself very "computer savvy" but I guess like to figure out how to make things work.

Well, for a couple of days I've been trying to master the drop down menu up there. So far, so good. I also added a widget for links at the bottom of the posts that would direct the reader to other posts of similar topic. I've been spying on a homeschool blogger mom at www.mama-jenn.blogspot.com. I just stumbled upon it one day and was amazed. I never saw a "blogspot" look like that! She has some good ideas and tips and she seems like an awesome lady as well.

So, I'm off to bed. The bed that I will drag myself out of in the morning!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dan!

Dan's mom came over today after church to celebrate Dan's 45th birthday (which is the 7th). She brought with her a couple of little sweethearts that we haven't seen for a while, Amanda and Tucker, our niece and nephew from Alabama. They made our day special!
Here the whole bunch...and the dogs, too. (Kariss'a dog, Lucy, is on the left...doggy-sitting!)
Ethan and Tucker

Dan loves his momma.

Tucker wants to learn the guitar!

Tucker just had to be taller than Daniel!
Enjoyed the Fireworks last night at Liberty Park with the gang...a very wet evening. The Firecracker 5k was wet as well. I didn't run, but Daniel did and the wet socks gave him a pretty nasty blister.
Dan and his buddy, Darrell
Hope you had a fabulous Fourth!


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